Our thanks to Mike and Diane Cipponeri for creating another fantastic evening! Diane had outdone herself in the creativity and love that she puts into the event and gifts.
We had a smaller turnout than past years, with 38 in attendance, but in no way did that diminish the fun that was had by all. Our group is very competitive by nature and it was evident in the seriousness of the blackjack players and those cheering on their cars during Viper racing.
We also want to thank Pat Gall, for her contribution of some of the model Vipers, that Joe had acquired over the years. Pat was very insistent that these be given away free, to our members. One of those lucky recipients, was Barb Maccani, who won a basket of Joe’s cars, after her win at Viper racing.
Everyone had a great time and after our President queried the group about a Winter Party for next year, and all were in agreement.
I, for one, enjoy coming every year and seeing my Viper friends for an evening of good fun, food and camaraderie.
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