If you recall, at the end of May, we had Viper Day Part 1. The owners of High Octane so enjoyed having our Vipers last year, that they proposed 2 Viper days this year. We did not disappoint for either outing.
Our second gathering, was held on August 1, and we couldn’t have picked a better morning. Our summer has been spectacular this year. The sky was a little overcast, but temps were in the high 70’s, low 80’s.
Vipers starting arriving before 8am and continued all the way thru the event. We had a fantastic turnout with over 36 people in attendance and 34 Vipers. We pretty much filled their lot, and cars were stacked all over. It was an impressive sight.
We want to thank the owner of High Octane Bakery, Tom Llewellyn, for hosting our cars and providing us with their free tasty coffee and donuts, for the cruisers.
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