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2020 Fall Tech Day

On November 7th, our Motorsports Director, Mike Sutton arranged for us to visit PMD Garage, in Pontiac.

The weather has been unusually warm for the last few days, with highs around 70’s.  Unfortunately, some of our members had already placed their cars in hibernation, prior to the warmer weather, but a few diehards were looking for a good reason to drive to another event.  We had a good turnout with 19 in attendance and 9 Vipers.

Our host, Gordon Heidacker, who was a former Executive with Chrysler, and involved in the original development of the Viper.  Gordon introduced his team and gave us a very informative talk on what PMD is doing today and working on for the future.  From advanced Viper engine development to building state of the art electric karts for M1 Concourse, PMD Garage has fascinating development projects that you will never see anywhere else.  Gordon also mentioned that they are investigating creating Viper parts that are no longer available to the public.  Our members loved the idea and were quick to make suggestions of parts they are unable to find.

After Gordon’s talk, members roamed around their very unusual building to see the various classic cars being stored or projects underway.

We want to thank Mike for coordinating this fun event and Gordon for taking the time to host our group.

(Note: To view all photos for this event, move your mouse or cursor toward the picture, then click on the directional arrows that will appear.)  You may also click on a photo where you’ll be sent to Flickr and can download your favorite.
2020 Fall Tech Day