As the State and CDC are relaxing their guidelines, and our members being fully vaccinated, you can tell that there has been a pent-up demand to get out with our cars and visit with our Viper family. We had a tremendous turnout for a mid-week cruise night, with approximately 40 in attendance and 23 Vipers. It was great to see all our smiling mask-less faces of our friends again. It was also nice to have the closeness and hugging of our friends, that we’ve been unable to do for over a year.
For our June Cruise Night, we traveled to see our friends on the West side, and dine at the Black Rock Bar & Grill, in Novi. It was a perfect evening with temps in the mid-70’s and sunny skies. Our Cruise Night Director, Mike Cipponeri, was able to arrange for the group to sit on patio and enjoy the beautiful weather, while dining.
Black Rock is famous for their unique way of serving you a gorgeous cut of steak, on your own 755 degree, black rock. Many of our members ordered the steak and were not disappointed.
The 2021 year started out a little slowly, but we’re making up for lost time, with many great events planned for the balance of the year.
Our thanks to Mike, for another great event, and we can’t wait to see what he has planned for July. Also, thank you to Ann Rappaport, for taking the time to capture the event in pictures.
(Note: To view all photos for this event, move your mouse or cursor toward the picture, then click on the directional arrows that will appear.) You may also click on a photo where you’ll be sent to Flickr and can download your favorite.