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2021 Restoring Memories – RM Motorsports Tour

Our Cruise Maestro, Bob Swartz, found another unique place for us to visit.  RM Motorsports, in Wixom, is an automotive shop that specializes in creating, maintaining, and preparing world class automobiles.

Founded in 1991 this working car shop has built a reputation of expertise, fine work, and fast cars.  RM Motorsports is not your average car shop.  Within their doors you will find the rare, unique, and often one of a kind pieces of machinery.  They are the proud keepers of racing history, and excel at taking modern day technology and applying it to vintage automobiles.

We were very fortunate to be able to view their race shop, restoration facility, eclectic collection of vintage race cars and collectible iconic cars.  We even had a personal tour from the retired former owner, Bud Bennett, who shared some valuable tips on restoration and some truly unique stories from his past.

As a thank you to RM and Bud, Bob presented a check from MCVO to the charity of their choice.  Bud was very touched by the sentiment.

We had a good turnout with 18 people attending and 13 Vipers.  After we left RM, we took a nice hour-long cruise thru the countryside and had a delicious lunch at Kruse’s Deer Lake Inn of Clarkston. You couldn’t ask for a more perfect day with sunny skies and temps in the mid-70’s.

After our lunch, we each went our separate ways, but not before many of us cruised a lap on Woodward.

We want to thank Bob Swartz for his amazing day trips he has created for the club.  Each one is unique and well thought out and executed.  We also want to thank Bud Bennett, for allowing us to tour his amazing shop, on a Sunday.

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2021 RM Motorsports Tour