The Woodward Dream Cruise for 2020 was cancelled and we were told by the city that we could not congregate. These were some dark times for us as a club. This year the Cruise and our club are back, better than ever. Unfortunately, the lot we rented the past couple years was no longer available.
Thanks to the diligence of our Board and Marty Heitkamp, we found a new lot, slightly further north. Since we had fewer events last year, the club has been actively making most events, free or minimal cost, this year. The event was open to all members, with a catered dinner and was free.
Our fantastic Social Director, Diane Cipponeri, had a time constraint due to the late signing of the lot contract, but that did not deter her from doing an excellent job, of having a fantastic event.
The day started out with high temps in the 80’s and muggy, but some areas had intermittent showers. By late afternoon the sky was clear and sunny, without a cloud in the sky.
We had a fantastic turnout with about 99 people and 53 Vipers. We got to catch-up with old friends and make some new. The club has hit an all-time high of membership at approx. 177. Everyone had a great time while enjoying a sumptuous meal, all under the watchful eye of our “Club Mom”.
Our thanks to Diane Cipponeri for all she does for the club. We also want to thank her husband Mike, who works as hard as Diane. Lastly, thanks to all the volunteers that helped in advance or the day of, to make this a successful event.
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