This was our fourth annual Snakes in the Grass where we partner with the Cobra and Shelby clubs to celebrate our beautiful snakes at the quaint surroundings of Canterbury Village. We also got to share the village with a massive Corvette gathering.
Given that this was Michigan, and the first week of September, Mother Nature did not disappoint and gave us a wide variety of fall weather. First, it was a cool morning, followed by sunny skies, and a brief showers. Finally, it was a beautiful sunny day with temps in the mid-70’s.
The Canterbury shops are a picturesque settings for our cars. Members could enjoy site-seeing the beautiful cars while others would check out the unique shops. The cider and donuts at Yates Cider Mill are always a treat this time of year.
We had a nice turnout with 24 in attendance and 16 Vipers. There was a Cars and Coffee going on simultaneously at M1 Concourse and rumor had it there were about 20 Vipers there. We understand that summer is a short season and members will be pulled in multiple directions.
The Village fired up the grill for a Bar BQ lunch and the hamburger was quite good. We also got to spend some time socializing with one of our newest members, Mark and Patricia Yousif.
Our thanks to our colleagues at the Cobra Club, Jeff Grice and George Acree, along with our Coordinator Bruce Heckman, for setting up the event. We also want to thank Mike Sutton for his help in parking our Vipers and keeping our limited space orderly!
We also received a link of some great photos taken by the Cobra Club, that they shared with us. Please click here to view this amazing collection.
(Note: To view all photos for this event, move your mouse or cursor toward the picture, then click on the directional arrows that will appear.) You may also click on a photo where you’ll be sent to Flickr and can download your favorite.