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2021 Blue Water Cruising

Our Event Coordinator, Jon Block, came up with a fun and creative way for our club to enjoy our cars and what Michigan had to offer.  It was a beautiful late summer/early fall day with temps starting out a little chilly in the morning but warming to mid-70’s with a bright sunny sky.

After our initial meet, we cruised to Port Huron, and parked along the St. Clair River, with lunch at Freighters restaurant.  The meal and service were excellent, and as an added treat, our Club Mom, Diane Cipponeri provided cookies, so we could celebrate the birthday’s of Sam Milana and Mike Cipponeri.

We departed for a short drive to the Desmond Marine where we boarded the Huron Lady II.  The ship sailed with our “stout crew” along the St. Clair River and into Lake Huron, for an enjoyable 90 minute cruise.  It was pretty windy at times, with some choppy water when we entered the lake.  This made for an entertaining ride.  Our First Lady, Susan Andring, was taking photos of our windswept “crew” as they posed and hung on the railing, at the bow.

After returning safely to dry land, we traveled north for another short run to our final destination, the Fort Gratiot Light Station.  We were given a tour of the grounds, of Michigan’s oldest lighthouse, (1829).  Our guide then led us into the lighthouse and we climbed to the very top and were able to step out onto the walkway.  We were able to capture some truly remarkable photos of the surrounding area and beaches.

Unfortunately all good things must end, and we said our goodbyes to our fellow members and friends, and went our respective ways.

Our thanks to Jon Block for all his work into coordinating the event and the many volunteers, who helped along the way.

(Note: To view all photos for this event, move your mouse or cursor toward the picture, then click on the directional arrows that will appear.)  You may also click on a photo where you’ll be sent to Flickr and can download your favorite.
2021 Blue Water Cruising