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2021 FrankenColor Cruise

Michigan weather in fall is always unpredictable.  We had been having some beautiful and very warm days prior to our event.  Unfortunately, the night before, we received a lot of rain and the weather turned very cold.  Our members were greeted with wet roads and temperatures hovering around low 40’s, that morning.  The Fall cruise to Frankenmuth has been one of our more popular events and we felt it was time to go again since we hadn’t been there since 2018.

Our Cruiser maestro, Bob Swartz and our new Motorsports Director, Paul McClorey, were able to bring together a fantastic event in short order after we heard many ask if we were going to have a fall cruise.  Our soggy, cold day started at Great Lakes Crossing and from there we cruised to Past Tense Cider Mill.  Their delicious pies were awarded to every member car that attended, courtesy of MCVO.  After a brief stay of shopping, cider and donuts, we cruised to Frankenmuth.  By this time the sun was beginning to peak out it was a gorgeous ride thru the countryside.  A few late arrivals met us at Frankenmuth and by that time we were 39 attendees and 15 Vipers strong.

We dined in the world famous Bavarian Inn restaurant, and everyone seemed to enjoy their meals. After our lunch, our members said their goodbyes and went off to explore the city.

We want to thank our coordinators, Bob Swartz and Paul McClorey for taking the time to put together a fantastic after for our club.  Also a quick shout of to the management at Past Tense and Bavarian Inn for working to make our stay seamless and enjoyable.

(Note: To view all photos for this event, move your mouse or cursor toward the picture, then click on the directional arrows that will appear.)  You may also click on a photo where you’ll be sent to Flickr and can download your favorite.
2021 FrankenColor Cruise