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2021 November Cruise Night

November in Michigan has been a rude reminder that winter is approaching.  We were lulled into having a very mild and warm fall but recently the temps have been falling into the 40’s.  In a strange about face, we had a 60 degree day for our Cruise Night, but with some rain off and on.

Our Cruise Night Director, Mike Cipponeri, found us a new venue to visit.  Our last Cruise Night of the year was held at Joe Kool’s in Troy.  Mike was a little concerned that no one would show, but we were all pleasantly surprised by the support, with 25 in attendance.  We also want to acknowledge the one lone Viper in attendance, brought by Marty Heitkamp.  Unfortunately, the rain resumed while we were dining.  Marty graciously invited us all back to his home to help him wash his car.

Our thanks to Mike and lovely wife, Mom Viper, Diane Cipponeri, for being gracious hosts and consistently working to make this the best Viper club in the country.  Everyone had a great time.  The food and service were fantastic and our thanks go out to the staff at Joe Kool’s.  Lastly, our thanks go out to Ann Rappaport, for recording another fun Cruise Night.

(Note: To view all photos for this event, move your mouse or cursor toward the picture, then click on the directional arrows that will appear.)  You may also click on a photo where you’ll be sent to Flickr and can download your favorite.
2021 November Cruise Night