Here we are in the third week of April and two days before our Cruise night, we had 2 inches of snow. On the day of the event, the snow is gone, but we barely hit 50 degrees, and there has been a light rain.
Our Cruise Night host, Mike Cipponeri, brought us back to the always enjoyable, 5th Tavern. They never disappoint with great food and service. The menu has a wide variety of choices and everything we’ve ordered has always been very tasty.
Considering it was a cold, gray evening, we had 30 intrepid souls come out for a fun evening to see old friends. Many of our members travel to warmer weather during the winter and this is the first time we’ve seen some of our friends in months.
We even had 2 courageous members (Mike Sutton and Dave Buchesky) who brought their Vipers. Our thanks to Mike and his lovely wife, Diane, for putting on an enjoyable evening and making us all feel so welcome.
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