This was our fifth annual Snakes in the Grass event at Canterbury Village. Not only is Canterbury a unique location but we partner with the Cobra and Shelby clubs. In addition, we were surrounded by a massive number of Corvettes, for their “Corvette Fest”.
You couldn’t ask for a more perfect Michigan summer morning with temps in the high 70’s to low 80’s, with the sun shining and hardly a cloud in the sky. Even though it is a holiday weekend, we had a great turnout with 18 Vipers and 27 people.
The morning started for many with coffee, cider and donuts at Yates Cider Mill, followed by touring the cars on display and the quaint shops of Canterbury. Later, as we approached the lunch hour, some of our group headed down to the food truck for a tasty brat or burger on the grill.
Our thanks to the Cobra Club, Jeff Grice and George Acree, for coordinating one of our favorite events, and we look forward to our sixth annual meet-up.
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